Thursday, June 18, 2015

The Bamboo Tree - A Lesson in Patience and Faith

The story of the bamboo tree is one of hope, one of success, one of patience, and persistence, and of course, faith.   

It is a story of a simple bamboo seed, that once planted and cultivated by the farmer, over and over, day after day, month after month, season after season -- and nothing happens.  Not a sprout, no growth, just... nothing.   Nothing happens, year after year, for five whole years, when suddenly, and finally, the tree grows eighty feet tall.  The tree could only grow this tall because of its roots.  The roots that were growing the entire time, albeit, completely invisible to the farmer, who patiently tended to it, the entire time.   It is a story that shatters me to my core.  Because, well, we are the bamboo.  We are not growing.  Nothing is happening.  Nothing is changing.  It seems that nothing ever ever ever will.   Giving up seems the only option.  All our work seems to yield no results, nothing tangible.  Yet, we must keep faith in something beyond the tangible.  

Tending to what we cannot see, feel, taste, or smell -- is all we need to do.  Just show up, do the work it takes, day after day after day...  Because until the roots are ready, the bamboo tree cannot grow.   But we cannot give up on it.   We cannot give up on ourselves.  We too, will grow, to magnificent heights, but first,  we  must stay the course.  And never, not ever, give up. 

Watch the powerful story of the bamboo tree here.

Short Version
Long Version