Monday, October 5, 2015

You are the Hero of your own story. Keep going!

 A Mariah song to help you Dig down deep and find the strength to carry on and make it through one more day.   You are the hero of your own story.  You can do it, hold on.   And you will make it to the other side - just don't give up.

What Doesn't Kill you Makes you Stronger

A little motivation from Kelly Clarkson this morning.   When we are knocked down, when we are at our lowest, we must come back swinging.  What doesn't kill you makes you stronger! 
Keep going, when you return to health, when you fight your way back, you will be stronger than ever.   Believe it.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

You have to have a reason - You Raise Me Up, Josh Groben

Why do you want it? 
What are you doing it for?
For you?
What is your reason. 
For me, it's my kids. 
I listen to this song on nights when I can't go any further.   For some, the YOU in this song is god.   For me, It's my KIDS.  They raise me up.  I keep going for them.   But for whatever reason, this song brings me comfort knowing that I'm doing it for them, and they are giving me the strength I need to keep going. 

That's right, keep going -- you are going to ROAR!

A little Katy Perry motivation to help you dig deep and find your ROAR!

Thursday, October 1, 2015


If you are Sick, tired, even dying.... you can CHOSE TO LIVE.  Keep going.   Chose to live.  Whatever you have to do.   COME BACK.  REFUSE TO DIE.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Just don't Give UP - Hold On

No matter HOW bad it seems.  No matter how much damage has been done.  No matter HOW sick you are, or how horrific it is -- You can't give up.  

That is ALL you have to do at the first of it.  JUST SURVIVE.
Just don't give up.


You can heal.  YOU CAN HEAL.  As long as you stay alive, you have the chance.  

That's all you have to do.


Monday, September 21, 2015

Fight Through It

Healing Hurts.   Pain brings you to your knees.  Again and again and again until you simply can't take another step, another breath, another second.   But when you are on your knees, you have two choices.  To give up.  To quit.  To end it all.  Or to get up, see how much you can take, keep fighting.   I chose to keep fighting.  Because, if I quit, I have nothing.   If I fight through it, maybe, just maybe there is a way out!  NEVER SAY UNCLE!  FIGHT THROUGH IT!

And then when you are done with fighting through it.


Thursday, September 17, 2015

Chris Beat Cancer - and he's got some amazing success stories of healing to share.

My mom died of stage 4 colon cancer that had spread to her lungs and liver.  She was my best friends and an amazing person and I hate that she is not here anymore.  But more than that, I hate that I watched her suffer for 9 months doing chemo and radiation before she did. 

But I didn't know back then what I know now.  I didn't know, from first hand experience, that it was the treatment itself that caused her grueling horrible suffering and death.     I had no idea, until I'd been poisoned with medications myself, the complete damage and destruction that they can cause.  My mom (and I) found out to late.  But, since I am still alive -- There is still hope.

Well, here is a guy who beat cancer naturally without Chemo and has gone on to provide hope to thousands of others.  After what I have been through, I can tell you without a doubt that medication wreak havoc on your system and can do more damage than good.  If I ever get cancer, I will treat myself. Just as I am now.   No more damaging medications for me.  Not ever.   There are so many stories on here on people who have healed using diet.  

Being Sick Sucks.  Getting well is like a maze trying to navigate through so much information and conflicting information.   

But I believe in the power of nutrition.  My juicer and my vitamix are my best friends right now. 

Learn as much as you can from this guy and this website.  It's the real deal.

AND NEVER. GIVE. UP.   Heal yourself!

Pain is temporary!

You got two choices.  You want to fall down and die?   Or you want to stand up and fight?
And you only got two. 
So go ahead.  Make your choice. 
And then choose it.  Again and again and again. 

KEEP FIGHTING. And never give up!

Sunday, August 9, 2015

A never Give Up Video - A lesson in being Beaten and Rising Again

Rocky.   One of the all time movies about persistence and never giving up.   The message of the movie it's, at the core, is about:  It's not how many times you fall down, but how many times you get up, that matters.   The act of rising once again, against all odds, whether you win or fail, makes you a winner.   In rising, we say, FUCK YOU SITUATION, I WILL CONQUER YOU. I will stand and stand and stand and stand, again and again and again.  You will not win.  I will.  Because I, will keep going until I do.  Just watch me.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

The Bamboo Tree - A Lesson in Patience and Faith

The story of the bamboo tree is one of hope, one of success, one of patience, and persistence, and of course, faith.   

It is a story of a simple bamboo seed, that once planted and cultivated by the farmer, over and over, day after day, month after month, season after season -- and nothing happens.  Not a sprout, no growth, just... nothing.   Nothing happens, year after year, for five whole years, when suddenly, and finally, the tree grows eighty feet tall.  The tree could only grow this tall because of its roots.  The roots that were growing the entire time, albeit, completely invisible to the farmer, who patiently tended to it, the entire time.   It is a story that shatters me to my core.  Because, well, we are the bamboo.  We are not growing.  Nothing is happening.  Nothing is changing.  It seems that nothing ever ever ever will.   Giving up seems the only option.  All our work seems to yield no results, nothing tangible.  Yet, we must keep faith in something beyond the tangible.  

Tending to what we cannot see, feel, taste, or smell -- is all we need to do.  Just show up, do the work it takes, day after day after day...  Because until the roots are ready, the bamboo tree cannot grow.   But we cannot give up on it.   We cannot give up on ourselves.  We too, will grow, to magnificent heights, but first,  we  must stay the course.  And never, not ever, give up. 

Watch the powerful story of the bamboo tree here.

Short Version
Long Version

Friday, May 22, 2015

1. Start. 2. Don't Quit.

A wise man once said that there is only two rules to success.    One is start.  The other is Don't Quit.   That wise man's name is Arthur.    And, I believe him.   The idea of never giving up is the most valuable thing a person can do.   When the chips are down, when the sun has set, when there seems to be no light, no progress, no sign that things will ever ever get better, not giving up is the only thing that someone who is faced against insurmountable odds can do. There is only giving up, or keep to keep on going.   PERSISTENCE, than, is the key to eventually coming out on top, in any situation.   So to all  those you who have started.... don't stop.   Keep going.  Be persistent.
To all those have been knocked down, have gotten up, again and again and again -- and wonder if it is worth it.  And wonder if it's time to  give up.  It is not.  PERSISTENCE always wins.

So let this one rule be your guide.  In the wise words of Arthur, if you want to succeed you must one, START, and two, DON'T QUIT.

That's it.  That's the secret.
