Friday, May 22, 2015

1. Start. 2. Don't Quit.

A wise man once said that there is only two rules to success.    One is start.  The other is Don't Quit.   That wise man's name is Arthur.    And, I believe him.   The idea of never giving up is the most valuable thing a person can do.   When the chips are down, when the sun has set, when there seems to be no light, no progress, no sign that things will ever ever get better, not giving up is the only thing that someone who is faced against insurmountable odds can do. There is only giving up, or keep to keep on going.   PERSISTENCE, than, is the key to eventually coming out on top, in any situation.   So to all  those you who have started.... don't stop.   Keep going.  Be persistent.
To all those have been knocked down, have gotten up, again and again and again -- and wonder if it is worth it.  And wonder if it's time to  give up.  It is not.  PERSISTENCE always wins.

So let this one rule be your guide.  In the wise words of Arthur, if you want to succeed you must one, START, and two, DON'T QUIT.

That's it.  That's the secret.


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